Punk has gone through changes
The tribes all get along
From working class to politics
Destruction for us all

 Kill a nazi
 Kill a bonehead
 Kill everyone
 Nazis out... out of punk

All these fucking boneheads
They think they know it all
They're just fucking jocks
Destroying all the shows
 Kill a nazi
 Kill a bonehead
 Kill everyone
 Nazis out... out of punk

They're always on the streets
Panhandling off punks
These crusties with big boots
But they're brains are too small

 Kill a nazi
 Kill a bonehead
 Kill everyone
 Nazis out... out of punk

Don't gove me alternative
Don;t give me any rules
We look it and we love it
To all of you i say fuck off

 Kill a nazi
 Kill a bonehead
 Kill everyone
 Nazis out... out of punk
